The Ethics Committee of the Aulss 8 Berica of Vicenza and the Law 219/2017: history of a formative and informative commitment. The birth of the ethical consulting space for the DAT

  • Christian Dall'Olmo | Aulss N. 8 Berica, Vicenza; Scuola di Medicina e Chirurgia, Universit  degli studi di Verona, Italy.
  • Roberto Gallo Aulss N. 8 Berica, Vicenza, Italy.
  • Nereo Zamperetti UOC Hospice e Cure Palliative, Azienda Sanitaria dell’Alto Adige, Bolzano, Italy.


The Ethics Committee for Clinical Practice (CEPC) of Aulss N. 8 Berica di Vicenza promoted in the two years following the publication of Law 219/2017, an intense formative an informative activity on the important news deriving from it. In particular, the Committee produced a text, published on the hospital website, with the aim of explaining the meaning and purpose of the law to lay people, and of providing a simple and concrete indication of the correct way to write an Advance Living Will (in Italian, Disposizioni Anticipate di Trattamento – DAT) and to register it officially. Many other educational activities followed the publication of the document. They have been addressed in some cases to health professionals, in others to lay people. The creation of an Ethical Consulting Office for DAT has been a particularly innovative initiative. It is a consultation-education opportunity in which a health professional with a degree in philosophy and a master’s degree in ethics consultation, which is also a member of the CEPC, is available a morning each month to provide information on the DAT, to help in drafting a new DAT document or to read and analyze an already written DAT. In order to respond to the specific request of a large number of users, a small working group of the CEPC has developed a document entitled “Guida per preparare e personalizzare una Disposizione Anticipata di Trattamento”, which has been discussed and approved by the Committee and published on the hospital website.



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How to Cite
Dall’Olmo, C., Gallo, R., & Zamperetti, N. (2021). The Ethics Committee of the Aulss 8 Berica of Vicenza and the Law 219/2017: history of a formative and informative commitment. The birth of the ethical consulting space for the DAT. Medicina E Morale, 70(2), 167-182.