A comparative analysis of the national and international laws and bills with respect to artificial fertilization

  • Maria Luisa Di Pietro Istituto di Bioetica, Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Roma, Italy.


In the last ten years the increasing number of couples resorting to reproductive technologies has led the legai authorities of various countries to make regulations in order to avoid abuse in this sector. Some countries already have laws on the subject and in other countries the parliamentaty debate on the bills has just started. This article makes a twofold comparative analysis of these laws: a longitudinal analysis, that looks into the legai situation in each country and, at the same time, reconstructs the historical iter that led to the approvai of a law or why it was changed or the lack of a parliamentary debate; and a trasversal analysis, that makes it possible to compare the options of a single country with a particular instance which arose from a couple resorting to reproductivc technologies.



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How to Cite
Di Pietro, M. L. (1993). A comparative analysis of the national and international laws and bills with respect to artificial fertilization. Medicina E Morale, 42(1), 231-282. https://doi.org/10.4081/mem.1993.1078

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