Sociological problems emerging from the debate on assisted fertilization

  • Giovanna Rossi Sciumè Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Milano, Italy.


This article aims to analyze, from a sociological point of view, some of the most important problems that have arisen since the widespread use of reproductive technologies. The analysys starts by going beyond the strictly medical definition of sterility and the consideration of this phenornenon as a "totally social question", involving the individuai as a whole, that is, in the physical, mental, emotional and relationship dimensions. This prospective inevitably entails a careful evaluation of the impact of reproductive technologies on the specific configuration of the families and couples that turn to these technologies. Moreover, the increased use of these technologies has led to a change in the meaning of being parents. In order to avoid a withdrawal of the family culture, in a child centered and narcissistic sense, the rights of all the subjects involved in reproductive technologies, and particularly the child born with these technologies, should be outlined, and a fair comparison between the rights is necessary.



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How to Cite
Rossi Sciumè, G. (1993). Sociological problems emerging from the debate on assisted fertilization. Medicina E Morale, 42(1), 165-181.